Custom scripts can be attached to individual submissions with the Development Plan. This documentation covers the specifics of individual custom scripting API methods, and first-time users should read the tutorial. Scripts can reference the submission they are attached to with the "self" or "submission" variables.
- Submissions — Reference and manage a single submission.
- Field Management — Find and reference fields for a submission.
- Fields — Get and set values for an individual field.
- Errors — Create custom validation errors for fields.
- Modals — Show, hide, and create modals for submissions.
- Forms — Reference and manage a single form.
- Submission Management — Mass-reference submissions by form.
- Querying — Dynamically query forms and submissions.
- User Information — Get information about the logged-in user.
- Navigation — Add custom menu options.
- Form Preferences — Store user-specific data for a form, and access it from any submission.
- Integrations — Reference and call third-party OAuth APIs.
- Custom Modals — Create your own modals with the standard Modal object.
- Validations — Create custom server-side validation scripts for your forms.
- Procedures — Trigger a custom server-side script with a POST call.