
Forms Developer Guides Scripting Helpers

The App.Helpers.Hotkeys helpers start and stop loaders for the entire page or specific elements.

This helper is only available outside the script sandbox.

App.Helpers.Hotkeys.bind(keys, options)

This method is also available as App.Hotkey.bind() for convenience.

The bind method attaches a function to a hotkey combination, and automatically handles disabling certain combinations when inputs are focused.

The keys argument is an array of keys, which can be String or RegExp objects. Special keys have easier names like "esc", "ctrl", "left", and "del". A full list of named keys is available below. Special characters like "!", and "@" are also supported.

The options argument accepts an object with the following values:

  • do — The callback function to be run when the combination is pressed.

  • if — An optional function to check conditions before firing the do callback. Only one binding can be fired by a key press, so returning false from this method lets other bindings attached to the same combination check their conditions.

  • timeout — An optional integer that prevents this binding from firing again for the number of milliseconds passed.

    App.Hotkey.bind(["CTRL", "F"], { timeout: 100, if: function(event) { return == document }, do: function(event) { var search =;; search.focus(); } });

Named Keys

Named keys are case-insensitive, and are listed below:

Escape, Esc
Left, Up, Right, Down
Delete, Del