
Forms Developer Guides Scripting Interface Menu

The Menu Interface API includes methods for creating and updating options on the current page's menu. You can get the current menu with

Add notices and alerts
  • alert — Add an alert below the menu, for important notices and warnings.
  • notice — Add a notice below the menu, for basic or normal information.
Add custom options
  • option — Add a simple text option, which triggers a callback when clicked.
  • submit_option — Add a submit button to the right side of the menu, which triggers a callback when clicked.
  • search_option — Add a search input to the menu, which triggers a callback when the user inputs text.
  • filter_option — Add a filter option, which opens a visual Query Object editor when clicked, and triggers a callback when the query is changed.
  • fullscreen_option — Adds a fullscreen button to let the user maximize the content pane.
Change the current search
  • search — Changes the current page's search, creating a search option if one doesn't exist.