Scripting Formulas Time & Date


TIME.DAYS360(start_date, end_date, *method = 0*)

Counts the number of days between two dates using a 360-day calendar. This formula is generally used for financial calculations: you may be looking for TIME.DAYS instead.

The method parameter defaults to 0.

  • Method 0 (US Method) — If start_date is the last day of a month, change the start day to 30. If end_date is the last day of a month, and start_date is before the 30th, change the end day to the first of the following month. If end_date is the last day of a month, and start_date is not before the 30th, change the end day to 30.
  • Method 1 (European Method) — start_date or end_date values on the 31st are changed to 30.