Default Field Values

Forms Creator Guides Customizing Forms

Adding a default value

If one of your form fields has a common answer, you can speed up data entry by pre-filling it with a default value. Most field types support adding defaults, including Short Text, Paragraph, Number, Checkbox, Multiple Choice, Yes or No, Date or Time, Connection, and Barcode fields. To add a default value, get started by opening your form's editor with the Edit Form menu option.

  1. Select a field in the editor, or add a new one.
  2. Open the Advanced tab at the bottom of the field editor.
  3. Add your default value to the Default textbox.
  4. Save your form with the Save Form button in the menu.
Using formulas in default values

You can use Formulas in your default values to include values like the current time or the value of another field. You can also use formulas to make conditional or dependent values. See the formula documentation for more information about setting up default formulas.

Adding default values to Connections

Connection fields can be given submission permalinks as default values. Permalinks are the unique 10-character IDs found when viewing a submission in a new tab.

Using data from another submission for default values

You can use the SUBMISSION.DATA(permalink, field_name) formula method to fetch data from another submission by permalink. Keep in mind that the field_name should be the field's variable name. By default it'll be a lowercase version of the field's name, with spaces replaced by underscores (_).

Remembering a user's submission values

If your users submit forms more than once, re-entering the same value for fields like "Name" can be inconvenient. You can automatically re-use the user's last submitted value with the Remember Value field setting. To get started, create a new form or edit an existing one with the Edit Form option in the responses page menu.

  1. Select a field in the editor, or add a new one.
  2. Open the Advanced tab at the bottom of the field editor.
  3. Check the Remember Values checkbox.
  4. Save your form with the Save Form menu option.