Sharing Permissions

Forms Creator Guides Sharing Forms

Data Sharing lets you grant permissions for your forms to partner organizations, so you can share your data with other businesses. If you'd like to grant permissions to members of your organizations, use Groups.

Requesting Data from another Organization

  1. Open your Manage page with the link in the sidebar. If you don't see it, ask your organization for Management permission.
  2. Click Request Data to generate a single-use Integration Code.
  3. Give your partner organization the Integration Code and send them a link to the sharing guide below.
  4. While you wait, learn to control permissions for the shared forms with the Shared Group Permissions guide below.

Sharing Data with another Organization

  1. Open your Manage page with the link in the sidebar. If you don't see it, ask your organization for Management permission.
  2. Click Share Data, and enter the Integration Code given by your partner organization.
  3. Assign the permissions you'd like them to have. You can change these at any time, and they can assign subsets of these permissions to their own groups.
  4. When you're finished, click Save to share your forms.

Group Permissions for Subscribed Forms

You can grant any permission that has been shared with your organization to your own groups. Shared forms will appear in your Group Settings, which you can change at any time from your management page.

Using Shared Forms

Shared forms will appear in your normal responses page, under the sharing organization's name.