Subscribing to Forms

Forms User Guides Notifications

Subscribing to a form will send you an email notification when a new submission is made. If you subscribe to a Report, you'll be sent a notification when a submission is made that matches it.

Subscribing to a Form or Report

  1. Open the responses list for one of your forms or reports. You'll need permission to read the form's responses to subscribe.
  2. Click the table settings button above the responses table.
  3. Click the Subscribe to Responses menu option. If the form has a custom label, this option could be worded differently. For example, "Subscribe to Customers" or "Subscribe to Bug Reports".

Unsubscribing from a Form or Report

If you no longer have permission to read the form's responses, you won't receive any notifications and your subscription will be cancelled automatically.

  1. Open the responses list for one of your forms or reports.
  2. Click the table settings button above the responses table.
  3. Click the Unsubscribe from Responses menu option. If the form has a custom label, this option could be worded differently. For example, "Unsubscribe from Customers" or "Unsubscribe from Bug Reports".