
Scripting Custom Views

Math Operators

The standard basic math operators are available in tags and objects.

{{ 10 <  2 }} // 10 less than 2                = false
{{ 10 >  2 }} // 10 greater than 2             = true
{{ 10 <= 2 }} // 10 less than or equal to 2    = false
{{ 10 >= 2 }} // 10 greater than or equal to 2 = true
{{ 10 != 2 }} // 10 not equal to 2             = true
{{ 10 == 2 }} // 10 equal to 2                 = false

Logical Operators

Conditional operators and and or are also available.

{{ true or false }}  // either true or false is true       = true
{{ true and false }} // both true and false are true       = false