
Scripting Custom Views

Assigning Variables

Variables are saved and reusable values which can be referenced by other tags and objects within the view.

Liquid Input
{% assign name = "John" %}
{% assign unread_messages = 3 %}

{% if unread_messages > 0 %}
  Hello {{ name }}, you have {{ unread_messages }} unread messages!
{% endif %}
HTML Output
Hello John, you have 3 unread messages!

Capturing Variables

The capture tag assigns the content between the capture and endcapture tags to a variable. Content inside the tags can reference other variables you've set, or standard variables provided by Sonadier.

Liquid Input
{% assign unread_messages = 3 %}

{% capture message %}
  {% if unread_messages > 0 %}
    Hello {{ }}, you have {{ unread_messages }} unread messages!
  {% endif %}
{% endcapture %}

<span title="{{message}}">{{message}}</span>
HTML Output
<span title="Hello John, you have 3 unread messages!">
  Hello John, you have 3 unread messages!