Exporting Data

Features Tables

Sonadier supports exporting form data to XML, JSON, and CSV (Excel). Open a form's responses list to get started.

Start Exporting

Click the icon above a table of responses, then select Export & Import.

Choose a Format

Choose an export format from the window that appears. Click any of the options to immediately download an exported file.

Click on the CSV, JSON, or XML links to export immediately.

Advanced Column Naming

Some programs may require specific names for imported fields. Click Advanced at the bottom of the export window to change the names used for exported fields. By default, they'll be "snake_cased" versions of the field names. For example: "Example Field Name" becomes "example_field_name".

Click the Advanced Option at the bottom of the Export modal to open the column naming section.

Formatting Exported Data

If you are importing data into a program with specific field value formatting requirements, we suggest using Formula Fields to generate formatted values from your submission data. We are happy to help you write formulas, and free support is available at support@sonadier.com.